Bairnsdale public forum to contribute to East Gippsland Shire Council's new Culture and Creativity Strategy
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Sat. 13 August 2022
East Gippsland Art Gallery | 2 Nicholson Street | Bairnsdale, VIC 387
East Gippsland Shire Council is developing a Culture and Creativity Strategy to guide its activities in this field over the next 10 years. The purpose of the strategy is to set a collective vision for our creative future and define how Council will help achieve it.
It is essential the strategy reflects the unique needs and desires of our community. Whether you're a painter, musician, dancer, poet or game designer, an enthusiastic amateur, seasoned professional or an interested member of the public – we want to hear from you.
East Gippsland Shire Council want to hear about what you love doing, what you want to see more of, and your vision for a creative future.
The discussion will take place at the East Gippsland Art Gallery and be facilitated by Leith Thomas from Future Tense, who is working with Council to develop the new Strategy
Participate in a public workshop
Monday 8 August, 5.00 pm – Orbost – Orbost Exhibition Centre,
Tuesday 9 August 5.30 pm – Mallacoota – The Mudbrick Pavilion
Wednesday 10 August – 7.30 pm – Online via Zoom
Thursday 11 August – 4.00 pm – Swifts Creek – Great Alpine Gallery
Saturday 13 August – 12.00 pm – Lakes Entrance – Iceworks Studio
Saturday 13 August – 3.00 pm – Bairnsdale – East Gippsland Art Gallery
Your contributions will inform where Council will focus its energies and help foster a thriving and creative shire. Deadline for the survey and public feedback is Sunday 14 August.
MORE INFO AND LINK TO ONLINE SURVEY >>> https://yoursay.eastgippsland.vic.gov.au/east-gippsland-culture-and-creativity-strategy