Boorun's Canoe
by Steaphan Paton and Cameron Cope
Video: approx. running time 7minutes
Screening continuously at the Gallery for the duration of the
exhibition LAND WATER SKY 19 April - 09 June 2018
Free entry
"Boorun the Pelican, our Gunai Ancestor, came to Gippsland carrying a bark canoe on his head. Canoes are part of the story of who we are and where we come from. I want to respect my Ancestors by continuing the tradition of canoe-making and safeguard it for future generations."
- Steaphan Paton
Boorun's Canoe is a story of cultural pride and the continuation of knowledge that has been carried from time immemorial, a deep awareness and unbreakable link of Victorian Aboriginal Culture, Community, Country and Identity.
Filmed on location at Lake Tyers, East Gippsland, Boorun's Canoe was led by Gunai artist Steaphan Paton in collaboration with Gippsland photographic artist Cam Cope. Steaphan sought to learn cultural knowledge from his grandfather Senior Gunai/Kurnai Elder Albert Mullett and to continue the long practiced skill of canoe-making.
The book Boorun's Canoe is available to purchase from East Gippsland Art Gallery
Image by Cameron Cope