Leslie Ritchie
Leslie Ritchie is a Gunaikurnai Monaro man living in Bairnsdale, East Gippsland. Leslie works across a range of 2D and 3D artforms from painting and drawing to limestone, printmaking and woodburning. He also carves emu eggs and makes a range of traditonal and contemporary wooden artifacts using locally sourced East Gippsland timber.
Leslie works as a cultural mentor and art project facilitator in schools around East Gippsland. Recent works have been sent to China, Japan and New Zealand. Successful exhibitions include Deadly in Gippsland 2014 at Forestech Lakes Entrance, NAIDOC 2014, Land and Sea 2015 at the Brabuwooloong Gallery, Bairnsdale and NAIDOC Sacred Ground at Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place Bairnsdale.
Leslie's limited edition linocut prints are currently for sale in the East Gippsland Art Gallery shop.

Woodburning, Emu



Emu Egg carving