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The Snail Mail Project | East Gippsland Art Gallery

Join the Snail Mail Project 2020 here!


We are thrilled to have you and your child on board.

Your child is now invited to write a letter and create a small handmade gift to send to another child who lives in Victoria.


Parents: Please read the Terms and Conditions below and complete the permission form on this page.


East Gippsland Art Gallery/Linden New Art Snail Mail Project 2020

Terms & Conditions:


You as a parent/guardian of the participant must complete and submit the release and consent agreement so that your child can be matched with a child in Melbourne. They will receive your child’s letter and your child will receive a letter from them.


Once your child has completed their creative letter, they can post it directly to our partner gallery in Melbourne, Linden New Art.


Linden New Art



East Gippsland Art Gallery and Linden New Art will act as the intermediary and will open all mail for safety purposes, before sending it on.​


All personal details will be kept confidential by East Gippsland Art Gallery and/or Linden New Art. It is recommended that parents/guardians review mail/parcel content before posting.


Contact details will only be used for East Gippsland Art Gallery to converse with parents/guardians regarding the Snail Mail Project.


Your child’s letter is a one off gift to another. If your child would like to continue their snail mail conversation, please contact East Gippsland Art Gallery for further discussion.


The Snail Mail Project is completely free.


We encourage parents/guardians who photograph their child’s work to share it on social media to tag East Gippsland Art Gallery and use the hashtags #snailmailproject  #sharingtheadventure #eastgippslandartgallery

Linden New Art
Snail Mail Project 2020
The Snail Mail Project | East Gippsland Art Gallery

2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988


Normal Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
CLOSED Sunday-Monday

and Public Holidays

FREE Admission

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© East Gippsland Art Gallery | 2 Nicholson Street | Bairnsdale VIC 3875 | +61 03 5153 1988 |

Normal Gallery hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm | Saturday 10am-2pm | Closed Public Holidays | FREE ENTRY


The Board and staff of East Gippsland Art Gallery acknowledge the Brabralung people of the Gunaikurnai Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which the Gallery stands and where we meet, exhibit and celebrate art and heritage.

East Gippsland Art Gallery
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East Gippsland Art Gallery is principally funded by East Gippsland Shire Council and supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria

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