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Caroline Crunden


Metung, May 2020

'I am a visual artist who for many years has painted, printmaked, worked with colour, texture and a variety of media to create a varied body of work inspired by what moves me at any one time.  Of late I had been involved in a few collaborative adventures, working with other creatives to provide space and place for artists to spend time, exhibit work, workshop ideas along with occasional forays into my own studio to wield a paint brush or move a few objects around.  Inspired by seeing the words ARTWORKS HAVE CARBON FOOTPRINTS, TOO written by artist Olafur Eliasson in his Tate Modern exhibition, I have also made the decision to create work from what I already have in my stash along with found objects and repurposed items of which I have quite a few.

With isolation, I find my days filled with time, space, and fear for our future but also reflection.  I am starting to see that individual artistic pursuit is fabulous for those with the drive and time to do art regardless.  Doing art regardless has never been my experience.  For now, I am happy to sort, sift, mix, shape, join, take away, put in and revive from the piles of stuff I am already familiar with.  Seeing things in a new light with a nod towards how fragile our existence is and how mixed up and complicated our lives have become.  With an exhibition booked for the later part of next year, I will need to get a move on eventually.'

- Caroline Crunden, May 2020

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