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Brendon Sims drawing


Brendan Sims has generously donated this beautiful framed drawing to help us raise money for lighting in our newly renovated Gallery shop. The Gallery shop is currently showcasing a selection of Brendon Sims enigmatic paintings of the Gippsland Lakes, all available for purchase - see below


Over a 40 year period, Brendon has created hundreds of paintings of the Gippsland Lakes and thousands of drawings. He works in his studio nearly every day where his work continues to develop and is becoming more refined.

East Gippsland Art Gallery Fine Art Raff


2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988


Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
Sunday-Monday CLOSED

FREE Admission

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